What we do

b2b content marketing

B2B content marketing gets target customers interested in a company and its products by creating and spreading articles, posts, videos and other types of content.

Why content marketing?

The first objective is to create and nurture your current and potential accounts – a ‘captive’ audience, you might say. The more people in your GDPR-compliant database, the better. These folks are ready and waiting for your next message – after all, they signed up to hear more!

The second key objective is to make your clients appear as often as possible on the first page of search engine results. Well-executed content marketing can help companies ‘own’ valuable keywords in their respective industries.

get started

If done right, content marketing can keep your clients top-of-mind with their target audiences, spark these audiences’ interest in specific products and help put brands on the short list during purchase time.

Research indicates that over 70% of B2B buyers get their information online. So, it’s crucial that when your clients’ prospective buyers look for information, the competition doesn’t own all the information out there – and run away with the deal.

Content marketing helps you:

  • Get the attention of people who you’re not currently connected to
  • Stay top-of-mind with potential purchasers
  • Communicate new products or offers
  • Show off your knowhow
  • Inspire and motivate customers to try new things

Content marketing isn’t going away anytime soon. In fact, it’s getting more and more necessary for brands to stand out.

Take it to the next level

    These days, there are some pretty cool tools that can increase content engagement, teach you more about your customers, automate repetitive tasks, schedule content publications and better target personas. Although AI models aren’t good at creating compelling content just yet, the latest technology can simplify your content marketing – and we can take care of the writing!

    The ROI on content marketing?
    Content marketing ROI is the percentage of how much revenue your clients gained from content marketing in comparisn to what they spent. As research shows, content marketing is typically more cost-effective than other forms of advertising or marketing, can drive higher conversion rates and increases audience engagement.


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