As a producer of food ingredients, Palsgaard sets ambitious sustainability goals to ensure it remains an industry front-runner. The company wanted its ambitions – and achievements – to be widely acknowledged in Denmark and abroad.
How did we solve this challenge?
The Danish Business Authority and FSR Danish Auditors awards an annual prize to Danish companies “that stand out through highly credible, high-quality reporting that ensures transparency around the company’s social responsibility and value creation, and which can serve to inspire other organisations”. Setting our sights on the glory of the award, cylindr guided Palsgaard through a strategic process, then implemented its reports verbally and visually. The work was done in close cooperation with the sustainability and marketing teams at Palsgaard, and with Deloitte as the audit partner.

The outcome
With cylindr’s help, emulsifiers manufacturer Palsgaard won the prestigious CSR award three times in a row, as the only smaller company alongside much larger corporations that included Carlsberg, Novo Nordisk and Maersk. The winning streak only stopped when FSR decided smaller entities could no longer be nominated!