

As a top 1% Microsoft Partner, AlfaPeople delivers tried-and-trusted implementation and support for Microsoft Dynamics 365 business technology including Cloud-based products. But the company was in need of a boost to its lead generation and ability to win deals.

AlfaPeople is one of the world’s largest Microsoft Partners for Dynamics 365 with 600+ employees in 14 countries.

How did we solve this challenge?

Alfapeople’s new CEO asked cylindr to introduce ABM as a key part of the company’s sales & marketing strategy, working closely with top management to educate staff in offices around the world and help to plan the first steps toward this powerful new approach.

Cylindr began with understanding the challenges faced by the sales force, then focused on segmenting the target list into top and second-tier accounts. From there, a systematic ABM sales and marketing process was designed, a 3-year maturation plan was defined, and an internal training program was kicked off for sales, marketing and customer support teams.


The outcome

We helped management grasp the strategic issues around segmentation, targeting, ICP, third-party advisors, account list creation, market positioning, marketing and sales alignment and more.

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