Wunderman Thompson uses cylindr to support their global client, Dell Technologies, in creating keynote presentations to kick off its highly successful series of in-person events for Nordic key accounts.

As information technology has evolved, so too has the ecosystem through which technology is designed, delivered, consumed, and managed. Strategic partnerships are key to extracting the full potential of the industry.

How did we solve this challenge?

When Dell Technologies holds one of its many Connected CIO Co.Lab events for Nordic key accounts, each event begins with a keynote presentation that must grab and keep the attention of what is often a quite diverse audience of top-level managers. Cylindr works with representatives from Dell, VMWare, Microsoft and Wunderman Thompson to understand the objectives of each event, suggest and review possible storylines, and bring it all together, presenting progress in multiple review rounds until all are satisfied.

The outcome

Punchy, to-the-point and on-message presentations that pave the way to the break-out sessions that deliver engaging, peer-to-peer value for all participants.

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