What we do
Intelligent storytelling
Intelligent storytelling
Intelligent storytelling is an effective way to develop meaningful, long-lasting connections with customers, employees and other stakeholders. However, effective storytelling takes skilled storytellers to bring complex, technical stories to life.
Why storytelling?
Why storytelling?
Storytelling is how our brains make sense of the world – but it’s also a powerful marketing tactic.
Advertising a brand by telling a well-crafted story captures buyer’s attention and provokes an emotional response that resonates. Storytelling can humanize your brand and make it align to how customers perceive value.
When companies tell a story, it’s more than a message. They’re sparking ideas and imagination via entertainment and education.
A powerful story…
A powerful story…
- Tells a company’s story with great clarity and ‘magic’
- Motivates and empowers employees
- Makes key messages easy to remember
- Addresses stakeholder hot buttons
- Is believable
- Is unique to each company
Just because “B2B marketing” refers to businesses marketing to other businesses, don’t think it means the companies themselves are the recipients. Businesses are, in fact, still marketing to actual humans. And humans want content that is helpful, engaging, personable and expressive.
The issue: many B2B companies produce bland or highly technical content to “cater to businesses.” But these methods make brands appear uptight, outdated or too smart to be accessible. With intelligent storytelling, we can transform even your most complex content into digestible, human-centric stories that educate and entertain your target audiences.

Humans want content that is relevant, helpful, engaging, personable and expressive.

Storytelling and sustainability
Storytelling and sustainability
Recent studies show people and companies are increasingly choosing to buy from brands associated with a positive environmental or social impact. So today, companies are held to a higher standard when it comes to sustainability.
Companies with a positive, sustainability-supporting strategy are more trusted and have a more loyal following.
But how can you make the most of your sustainability vision and initiatives? We can help you to use intelligent storytelling to inspire and captivate your audiences.