What we do

Science-based storytelling

How can we make the complex, fact-filled, data-heavy narratives of researchers resonate with audiences they need to inform, inspire and persuade? By combining our skills in sales and storytelling with a decades-long passion for science and technology topics.

Brilliant minds face a challenge

Scientists often face a formidable challenge: translating their discoveries into compelling stories. The precise, highly specific language of their topic often alienates those outside, causing the typical scientist, while brilliant in their field, to stumble when communicating with policymakers, investors, or the general public.

In the words of a recent Science Europe conference conclusion: “Collaborations between researchers and communicators are pivotal to ensure that research results are usable, accessible, and transferable to citizens and society at large and to build understanding of the scientific process within different audiences”. At cylindr, we have made such collaborations an essential focal point.

Unlocking the power of science communication

What’s needed is an extensive toolbox of evidence-based techniques and training for communicating about science: we call this “science-based storytelling“.

The term comprises two perspectives:

  • An ever-evolving set of specifically science-oriented practices that improve researchers’ ability to inform, inspire and persuade others.
  • Drawing upon science itself – particularly research in social psychology and neuroscience – to provide evidence-based recommendations for narrative development and delivery.
Brilliant minds face a challenge
Unlocking the power of science communication

Closing the communication gap

Today, we are privileged to work with teams of scientists in both the private and public sectors, holding informative and inspirational talks on the subject of Science-based Storytelling, and helping them both to construct their stories and deliver them with confidence and style.

If your research teams need help to formulate their stories toward expert or non-expert audiences, executives, customers or potential project funders, reach out to Jonathan Winch to explore how cylindr can assist.

© CYLINDR 2024 | Hammerensgade 1, 1267 Copenhagen K, Denmark | contact@cylindr.com